Bikeability in Rochdale

Schools in Rochdale can request free Bikeability training. To enquire about or book training in your school, please contact us.

Some of the benefits of a child cycling to and from school:

Quieter, safer roads

Having fewer cars around school makes it safer for parents and children to walk or cycle on their journey to and from school. Fewer cars also means less pollution.

Fitness and health

Children need at least an hour of physical activity each day, and walking or cycling to school is a great way to get some of that exercise.

Air quality

There are also concerns about the level of pollution children are exposed to when sitting inside cars in congested or slow-moving traffic. When planning a cycling journey to school, it may be possible to find a route that is quiet or traffic-free, and cycling through green spaces such as parks can make you feel calmer and happier.

Concentration at school

Children who are physically active on the way to school burn off some of their excess energy and are more able to settle down and focus well in lessons.

Road-safety skills

Good habits learned young are learned well. Teaching children to cycle safely to school will stand them in good stead for the rest of their life.

Socialising and independence

Cycling together with others means that children will have extra time in the day to build friendships and feel comfortable around other people.


Useful links

Use the links below to find out more about cycling in the borough

General information
Resources and information on cycling in Rochdale from the borough council website
Mountain biking with YourTrust
Make the most of our beautiful surroundings with group led rides or skill sessions for beginners to more experienced riders.
Borrow a bike
Borrow a bike froM Kirkdale Bike library