Information for parents and guardians

The following information aims to answer any questions you may have regarding an upcoming Bikeability session for your child. It’s about acquiring the practical skills to cycle safely and with confidence on today’s roads. For children to participate in school Bikeability training they must have basic riding skills without stabilisers, unless it's a Learn to Ride course or use an adapted cycle.

How many levels of Bikeability are there?
There are three Bikeability levels.

Level 1 is designed to give your child control over their bike and takes place in groups in a space away from traffic such as a playground or closed car park. 

Level 2 will ensure your child is prepared for short journeys such as cycling to school. Training takes place in small groups on quiet, local streets, giving trainees a real cycling experience.

Level 3 is recommended for older children, usually in Year 7 and above. Trainees are equipped with skills needed for more challenging roads and traffic situations. Training is delivered in small groups so can be tailored to a trainee’s individual needs. Route planning is also covered, making this ideal for getting advice on and then practicing a school commute.

What does my child need to take part in Bikeability?
In terms of equipment, your child will need a bike which is in a roadworthy condition, the right size for them, has pumped up tyres and two working brakes.

Instructors will show children how to check their bikes at the start of the first session and will ensure that your child’s bike is safe for training purposes. BMX bikes are permitted in most circumstances so long as the bike has two working brakes, and has not been adapted to the extent that it is no longer suitable for use on the road. The instructors will have the final say on whether your child’s cycle is safe for them to complete the training on but allowances will be made wherever possible

What if my child does not have a bike?

Bike Right may be able to arrange for your child to borrow a bike for the training. Please check this with your school.

There is a possibility that your child can, with permission, borrow another child’s bike when their group is not in training.

What should my child wear to take part in Bikeability?

In most cases, your child may wear their normal school clothes, suitable for the season and weather. Excessively loose clothes may be hazardous and should be avoided. In colder months, warm layers, waterproofs and gloves are recommended. High visibility jackets will be provided by Bike Right.

Does my child need a cycle helmet?

All children need to wear a helmet for Bikeability training. Please see the consent form which was provided either via email or through school for more information. If your child doesn't own a helmet check with your school if they are available to borrow.

My child is not able to participate in Bikeability. Can they do it outside school time?

In many boroughs, Bike Right runs free holiday courses that cover the same outcomes as the Bikeability school courses. Children are welcome to join these whether or not they have done training at school.

What will my child receive on completion of Bikeability training?

Children who successfully complete Bikeability training are awarded a badge and certificate.

My child didn’t complete the Bikeability training. What happens now?

Your child will be given some feedback from their instructor on areas that need a bit more work. It is recommended that you discuss these with your child so that they can be clear on how they can improve their skills and confidence. You might be able to help your child practice these areas, or you might want to sign them up for further free training or holiday courses.

My child has completed Level 2. What next?

Bikeability is the gateway to all kinds of fun experiences by bike – the training is just the start! If your child is interested in cycling and wants to do more, they might want to join a local cycling club for BMXing, mountain biking or racing. Ask your child’s Bikeability instructor for advice on which groups are good for junior members and beginners.
A great way to practise the Bikeability training your child has received is to try cycling as a family or let them cycle independently to school or the local shops.

Bikeability for adults

Some councils offer free individual or group cycle training for adults and this can be a great way to understand better what your child has been taught and support them towards independent cycling.