Bikeability Level 1& 2

Bikeability Level 1 & 2 is aimed at children aged 9 and over who can already ride unaided. The training starts at the off road and then those that are capable and safe are taken out onto quiet local roads. Groups are small at 6 children with 2 instructors. Two morning sessions.

What does my child need to take part in Bikeability?
In terms of equipment, your child will need a bike which is in a roadworthy condition, the right size for them, have pumped up tyres and two working brakes. Instructors will show children how to check their bikes at the start of the first session and will ensure that your child’s bike is safe for training purposes. BMX bikes are permitted in most circumstances so long as the bike has two working brakes, and has not been adapted to the extent that it is no longer suitable for use on the road. The instructors will have the final say on whether your child’s bike is safe for them to complete the training on but allowances will be made wherever possible.

What should my child wear to take part in Bikeability?
Normal leisure clothes, suitable for the season and weather. Excessively loose clothes may be hazardous and should be avoided.  High visibility tabards will be provided by BikeRight.

Does my child need a cycle helmet?
Helmets must be worn on all sessions.

Do parents have to stay?

Parents must stay for the first 30 minutes on the first day whilst we ensure your child is safe to come out onto the road and that your bike is roadworthy.  If your child on their bike is not safe to go out onto the road they won't be able to continue with the course. If your child will go home unaccompanied or will be picked up by someone else, then please advise the instructor on arrival.


Shobnall Leisure Centre

Dates & Times

Wednesday 14 Aug 2024, 09:30-12:00
Thursday 15 Aug 2024, 09:30-12:00




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