Activities for children


We have put together some useful activities, links and information for schools and families to help you keep children active and engaged!

Indoor activities (click to download)

         Bike Parts Quiz


         Bicycle art

         Bicycle Poem

Outdoor activities (may need a bike!)

          Make your bicycle sound like a motorbike! (external link)

          Pin the bell on the bike

          Slow Race

Balance Bike Games and activities

          Push Scoot Pedal by BikeRight! These activity cards are great for playground-based balance bike games. If you don't have equipment then substitute cones for paper plates, bean bags with scrunched up newspaper and a crate with a bucket (other substitutions also welcome!)

          Ready Set Ride by British Cycling. Here are some more balance activities and games, some of these don't even require a bike! There are video clips and downloads too. Registration is required but it is free.

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